Thursday, September 1, 2011

I'm coming back!

Hey blog, I miss you!
I'm coming back to you in the near future!
Love always,
Sarah Elizabeth

Sunday, March 7, 2010



My brother, Patrick, and his son, Liam.

The house we're staying in is pretty great! A 17th century farm house. There's a ton of amazing wall paper! I thought I'd share a few of my favorite photos from the trip so far :)

Thursday, March 4, 2010


This beautiful Bow clasp belt is a gift for one of my fabulous followers! To enter the giveaway, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post and make sure I have a way of getting in contact with you! Oh, and you must be a follower to win :) I chose one of my favorite items from my (under construction) Etsy shop for this giveaway. This belt (31") is so cute, and I was reeeeeally tempted to keep it :)

Tomorrow night, I leave for Vermont! I seriously cannot wait to be there. This week has been moving at a snail like pace. I was so stressed out and frustrated all week, and I'm not totally sure why. Mike rode his bike in the rain to the Italian bakery around the corner to pick me up some giant cupcakes...He knows how to cheer me up. Giant cupcakes, fluffy cats, and sleepy time tea with honey. In other news...TIME TO PACK!! :)

Friday, February 26, 2010

Cowboys and Indians

what am I doing with my face? I promise, I'm not angry!

Here are my two new dresses! I can't decide if I want to shorten the first one or not. I kind of like it long and flowy. As for the second dress, I have it tucked up in these photos because it looks really silly on me as a floor length dress. I'm thinking about shortening it to that length though. What do you gals think? Both of these are going to be put up in my Etsy shop (whenever I get around to opening it!). Actually, the shop should be open by the end of the weekend since I'm going to have a lot of free time over the next few days. Anyway, I love both of these dresses!! The bohemian one clearly does not fit me. (It's not zipped up in the back...shhh!) The 50's housewife dress fits, but I know that I'll never wear it, and I'm sure there's a gal out there who would just love to own, Etsy it is!
I was hoping to get some more thrifting in this weekend, but now I'm afraid the snow might force some shops to close! Bleh! Soooo ready for spring. Although, yesterday, on my way home from work I was listening to some really beautiful instrumental music by the band Balmorhea and the snow was falling in this magical way...kind of, floating through the air with no particular direction. It was really relaxing and beautiful!
When Mike and I woke up this morning, all three of our kitties were snuggling with us on the bed! It was so cozy, I could have slept all day. But Mike decided to make me waffles, and that's fine with me! :)

ps: I have 50 followers! Thank you all for reading and for all of the sweet comments you leave! :) I love every one of you and I'm really excited for the give away I'm preparing for one of my fabulous readers :)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hat hair.

Hat: Thrifted
Velvet mini-dress: Thrifted
Tights: Target
Flats: Macy's

Well, I'm going to be snowed in yet again! I can't believe we're getting another 12+ inches of snow this weekend. I usually love winter, but I'm having a hard time with it this year. Mostly due to the parking situation in my neighborhood. Just another reason for me to move away from the city and into the woods! (or at least into a house with a garage or drive way.)
Only 8 days 'til Vermont! I seriously could not be more excited to get away. For reasons unknown, I've been extra stressed out all week. I haven't really been getting much done, and there's a massive pile of laundry in the bedroom waiting to be put away. All I want to do it snuggle my kitties on the couch under my grandma's afghan and drink hot chocolate with mini mashmallows.
On the bright side, I purchased two amazing dresses from my new favorite thrift store that I'm really excited to post! They are both pretty long, and I need some opinions on how short to hem them.
Here's to my exciting night spent watching reruns of House! At least work is closed tomorrow...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

current obsession: the side braid.

Dress: Forever 21
Tights: Target
Flats: Macy's
Glasses: My valentine's gift :)

Dress: Thifted
Tights: Target
Belt: Thrifted
Shoes: F21

Mike and I didn't go all out this year for v-day. Mike woke me up early to give me a little gift which consisted of a heart shaped dream catcher and these hilarious glasses....

In other news, I've been ridiculously sick lately. I had a terrible cold that had me down for the count and as soon as it started to pass, I got some sort of stomach virus. Ugh! Just my luck. Needless to say, between the sickness and being snowed in, the past few weeks have been extremely uneventful and painfully boring.
I'm so ready for my upcoming vacation. I'm going to Vermont for an entire week! My family rented a big house right around Okemo and we're going to spend the week hitting the slopes! I've been snowboarding since I was 14, yet somehow, I'm still pretty terrible at it. Don't get me wrong, I can make my way down the mountain without breaking any bones, but I'm terrified of speed and I don't dare attempt any tricks. Regardless, it's going to be a lot of fun. I get so so sick of the city and its nice to escape to the woods every once in a while. I would move someplace rural in a heartbeat if I didn't think that I'd miss my family like crazy. As cheesy as it sounds, my life is like that Feist song, Mushaboom. I want to live in a log cabin tucked away in the woods! But for now, my tiny one bedroom second floor apartment will have to do....

PS: For those of you who have inquired about the fitness program I started, P90X....IT'S A TOTAL DREAM. I lost 5lbs during the first week and I'm started to see some real muscle definition in my arms and abs! I highly recommend it. The yoga portion is absolutely ridiculous and impossible (as are many of the other workouts) but I feel amazing after I complete it! :)

Thursday, February 4, 2010


I picked up this mini dress at Marshalls last week. It's suuuper short so I've
been pairing it with some super skinny black BDG pants or thick black tights.
I couldn't resist that floral pattern! I'm such a sucker for florals.

The weather has been incredibly strange as of late. Mother nature can't seem to decide between 10 degrees and 50 degree and it's been switching back and forth. (Hello allergies and migraines!) We're currently preparing for what is supposed to be a pretty intense snow storm! Of course it's going to happen on a friday night and ruin my weekend plans yet again. On the other hand, I'm looking forward breaking out my camera and taking some photos of my favorite form of precipitation. I plan on spending the weekend curled up on the couch with hot chocolate and a stack of movies to watch!
SO, today, I started P90X. It's a super intense fitness program that consists of 12 insane work out DVDs and a semi-strict nutrition guide. The program lasts 90 days, and is supposed to work crazy well! I've seen some amazing before and after photos on this website. Anyway, today's DVD totally kicked my butt and I can't wait to start seeing some results! Below are two of my dream swim suits that I'm going to reward myself with if I reach my goal weight by June!

Fingers crossed! :)